European & International News

European social partners launch toolkit for gender equality in practice

[Madrid, 7 May 2014] On 7 May 2014, the European organisations representing employers and workers launched a toolkit compiling 100 initiatives to promote gender equality in the work place: the Toolkit for gender equality in practice.

In 2005, the European social partners, namely ETUC, BUSINESSEUROPE, UEAPME and CEEP, signed a Framework of Actions on Gender Equality. This is an action-oriented tool providing a joint platform for actions to promote gender equality by European and national social partners. In their work programme for 2012-14, the social partners agreed that further action is needed to address remaining inequalities between women and men including the gender pay gap. At the same time, they recognised that the four priorities jointly identified in our framework of actions in 2005 remain valid and essential. This is how the idea of the Toolkit emerged.

The Toolkit informs about 100 initiatives by social partners
and in the workplace across Europe, and addresses gender role, women in decision making positions, work life balance and the gender pay gap.

The event of 7 May was also an opportunity to provide a space for national social partners from various EU countries to present and explain challenges encountered on gender equality and how they can be addressed going forward. EWL representative Catherine Lynch (Ireland) took part and gave visibility to the work of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL).

Please visit this page to find out more about the Tookit and see the video.


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