France: Defend European women’s basic right to abortion
[Press release of the French Coordination for the EWL, 27 January 2014, Paris] While France has just consolidated access to abortion by abolishing the condition included in the Veil law requiring a “situation of distress”, Spanish women risk losing the right altogether if the Parliament votes for the Rajoy’s government’s proposed law yielding to the worst religious conservative forces.
In order to oppose such a regression, the CLEF calls on its member organization network to participate in the unified demonstrations to be held in Paris and in other important French cities on February 1.
The CLEF will also be present in Madrid for the demonstration taking place there on the same day as well as the planned meetings with representatives of Spanish authorities.
The CLEF, supported by the entire European Women’s Lobby (EWL), representing several thousand organizations, demands:
- For all European women, free and gratuitous access to abortion services;
- That sexual and reproductive rights including the right to abortion, be recognized as fundamental rights, whereas they are totally absent from the E.U. Charter of Basic Rights included in the Lisbon Treaty.
The struggle of women for the freedom of disposing of their own bodies is a priority requiring the affirmation of secularism as the emancipation principle.
Contacts :
Demonstration Paris : Françoise Morvan : vice présidente de la CLEF, tel 06 03 13 56 24
Demonstration Madrid : Annie Sugier, présidente de la Ligue du Droit International des Femmes, tel 06 38 39 42 92