I’m a feminist but... no Strategy on Equality between women & men
[Brussels 9 December 2015] On Monday 7 December, EU Ministers for gender equality met for the EPSCO Council and “exchanged views on the strategic commitment to gender equality 2016-2019”. This strategic commitment is a staff working document, and not the EU Strategy that the Ministers, the European Parliament and the women’s organisations were expecting.
For the EWL this is not good enough! EU Vice-President Timmermans said “I’m a feminist” at the United Nations last September. We want to see these words transformed into action: into a meaningful and ambitious EU Strategy for equality between women and men. Women are only halfway to equality in Europe: it is time for real commitment and change, because it is about our future.
On Monday, women’s organisations were heard and the Council Ministers also continued to call on the Commission to deliver a real strategy on equality between women & men
It’s now up to European Commissioners Vera Jourova and Frans Timmermans to take the calls seriously.
Find here our video calling for a Strategy.