EWL News

International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation, 6 February 2014

[Brussels 6 February 2014] The European Women’s Lobby recognises Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) as one of the most extreme forms of violence against women and a violation of women’s human rights.

All forms of violence against women result from patriarchal structures, where men make decisions for women and girls, ‘punish’ them for ‘breaking the rules’, and make female family or community members agree on that situation.

As such, FGM stays in opposition to the principle of equality between women and men and the EWL calls for more action at European Union and Member States levels because FGM is a problem present in the majority of EU Member States (MS). The EU should encourage MS to include FGM in their National Action Plans against violence against women. FGM should be eliminated as a matter of urgency. In practice, the key role of women’s NGOs should be recognised and supported. NGOs are the essential link between public authorities and practicing communities.

We condemn such atrocities and abuses of women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights and join the NGOs and institutional call today to strengthen efforts and develop efficient strategies at all levels.


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