Members News

  • Europe-Africa crisis we don’t want to name: organised sexual exploitation of women and girls

    Europe-Africa crisis we don't want to name: organised sexual exploitation of women and girls

    [A research paper of the European Network of Migrant Women, EU Anti-Trafficking Day, 18 October 2017] As of June 2017, the number of “migrants” which in this case references all those arriving by sea to Italy, rose by 21% in comparison to the same period in 2016. These official statistics present a composite number of economic migrants, refugees, as well as the victims of trafficking in human beings. Nationals of Nigeria closely followed by Guinea account for the largest number of the (...) Read more

  • Written statement of the Swedish Women’s Lobby for the 62nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women

    Written statement of the Swedish Women's Lobby for the 62nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women

    [Stockholm, 18 October 2017] "Over the last 20 years the media landscape has dramatically changed. New information and communication technologies have contributed to the advancement and empowerment of women, but have also created new ways of exploiting women and girls. When reviewing the CSW 62 theme on Women and Media we call on UN Member States to address the new and increasing ways in which women’s lives are being restricted. In particular, there is a need to combat online hate speech and (...) Read more

  • EWL deeply concerned about the discussion to limit access to abortion in Lithuania

    EWL deeply concerned about the discussion to limit access to abortion in Lithuania

    [Brussels, 11 october 2017] The European Women’s Lobby, EWL, has sent a letter to the Chair of the Human Rights Committee of the Lithuanian Parliament and other relevant Lithuanian authorities expressing its deep concern about the legislative discussions in the Lithuanian Parliament to restrict access to abortion and maternal health. The Lithuanian Parliament is discussing a draft law registered in 2013 which proposes to restrict access to safe and legal abortion and which will have a direct (...) Read more

  • New Report issued: Review of Data on Prevalence of Sexual Violence and Harassment of Women Students in Higher Education in the EU

    New Report issued: Review of Data on Prevalence of Sexual Violence and Harassment of Women Students in Higher Education in the EU

    [Dublin, 13 October 2017] The National Women’s Council of Ireland (NWCI) is pleased to announce the publication of the first project report of the EU funded Ending Sexual Harassment and Violence in Third Level education (ESHTE) Project. The full report can be downloaded here.
    The report provides an overview of EU level data and research and also comprises country reports from the NWCI and our three partners, Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies Cyprus, The Women’s Issues Information (...) Read more

  • Gender perspective needed in safe and legal routes for refugees to Europe

    Gender perspective needed in safe and legal routes for refugees to Europe

    [Article by Hanne Clivemo, Swedish Women’s Lobby, September 2017] The secretary general of the Swedish Women’s Lobby (SWL), Clara Berglund, participated in a panel discussion about how to ensure safe and legal routes for refugees to Europe in late August. The seminar was arranged by the Swedish European parliamentarian Malin Björk and the International Rescue Committee. The panel included Lars Westbratt - State Secretary to the Minister for Migration and Deputy Minister for Justice, Maria Ferm (...) Read more

  • EWL and RWL supported the march “Together for women’s safety” in Romania

    EWL and RWL supported the march “Together for women's safety” in Romania

    [Bucharest, 14 October 2017] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and the Romanian Women’s Lobby (RWL) have supported and called everybody to join the march to condemn all forms of violence against women “Together for women’s safety" that will take place in Bucharest this Saturday 14 of October.
    The march was organised by the Romanian Network for Prevention and Combating Violence Against Women:a Romanian group of non-governmental organisations active in the field, with 25 members located in all (...) Read more

  • Cyprus: new legislation for the protection of paternity and maternity leave

    Cyprus: new legislation for the protection of paternity and maternity leave

    [Nicosia, September 2017] The Cyprus Women’s Lobby salutes the adoption of a new legislation which will ensure more equality between women and men with regards to parental roles and responsibilities. The new legislation, that has been passed by the House of Representatives on 14 July 2017, consists of the Protection of the Paternity Act of 2017 and the Protection of Maternity Law of 2017. In particular, the Parental Protection Act provides for working fathers of newborns to be able to file (...) Read more

  • Our member Viki Sebhelyi is 2017 TIP Hero!

    Our member Viki Sebhelyi is 2017 TIP Hero!

    [Brussels, 20 September 2017] Each year, the U.S. Department of State honors outstanding individuals around the world who are fighting to end human trafficking. This year, we have the pleasure to see our member Viktoria Sebhelyi as a TIP Hero! The U.S. Department of State has produced the Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP Report) since 2001. An important international document, the TIP Report provides an assessment of the efforts by foreign governments to combat human trafficking. (...) Read more

  • Anatomy of a backlash in providing assistance and support to victims of violence against women in Estonia

    Anatomy of a backlash in providing assistance and support to victims of violence against women in Estonia

    [Article by the Estonian Women’s Association Roundtable, member of the EWL, July 2017] In 2017, the government changed the services rendered by the women’s support centres developed by NGOs into a government-funded service which is obtained via the competitive bidding process where the contract is granted to the cheapest bidder. In addition, in 2016 the government decreased the overall funding envisaged for women’s support centres.
    Minister Jevgeni Ossinovski, leader of the Social Democratic (...) Read more

  • Letter to Ilknur from the President of European Women’s Lobby!

    Letter to Ilknur from the President of European Women's Lobby!

    [Brussels, 12 September 2017] On 5 July 2017, 10 rights’ defenders, including Women’s Coalition member, İlknur Üstün , one of the founding members of the EWL Coordination for Turkey, were detained near Istanbul while at a civilian society training session. The rights defenders that are now imprisoned, are not alone! All rights defenders must be released immediately! Our President Edith Schratzberger-Vecsei wrote İlknur a letter of support.
    Dear Ilknur,
    I am writing in solidarity and sisterhood (...) Read more



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