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New Report issued: Review of Data on Prevalence of Sexual Violence and Harassment of Women Students in Higher Education in the EU

[Dublin, 13 October 2017] The National Women’s Council of Ireland (NWCI) is pleased to announce the publication of the first project report of the EU funded Ending Sexual Harassment and Violence in Third Level education (ESHTE) Project.
The full report can be downloaded here.

The report provides an overview of EU level data and research and also comprises country reports from the NWCI and our three partners, Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies Cyprus, The Women’s Issues Information Centre Lithuania, and Rape Crisis Scotland. Data from Germany and Italy has also been included.

Despite the limitation of data and research available as outlined in the report, including the almost complete lack of data on how sexual harassment and violence impacts women students with disabilities and ethnic minority women students, being able to name the broad scope of the problem is an important step.

The report also highlights innovative projects and programmes that are being developed to challenge sexual violence on campus and that will provide the ESHTE project with examples of transformative action.

The National Women’s Council of Ireland is also very pleased to announce that the ESHTE Project has been added to the Irish National Action Plan on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence. This is a significant move toward ensuring that the hard work of students and the Union of Students in Ireland in particular, and also Irish Higher Education Institutions can be brought together into a sustainable framework for change.

Visit the website of the ESHTE project here:

The National Women’s Council of Ireland (NWCI) is leading the ESHTE project with project partners Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS) in Cyprus, Rape Crisis Scotland (RCS), The Women’s Issues Information Centre (WIIC) in Lithuania and The Women’s Equality Commissioner, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich in Germany. The European Women’s Lobby is an associated partner to this project.

For more information contact Jennifer McCarthy Flynn, ESHTE Project Coordinator,
National Women’s Council of Ireland, at jennifermf [at]


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