Members News

  • Les féministes interpellent le Président Macron: "Où est l’argent et les politiques pour les droits des femmes?"

    Les féministes interpellent le Président Macron: "Où est l'argent et les politiques pour les droits des femmes?"

    [12 mai 2017, Blog sur] Associations, collectifs, fédérations, institutions et universitaires engagés pour l’égalité femmes-hommes interpellent Emmanuel Macron pour que les moyens accordés à ce combat soit à la hauteur. «L’existence de politiques concrètes et transversales visant à l’égalité FH dans tous les secteurs de la société et donc tous les ministères, est essentielle. Mais cette transversalité ne peut être animée sans un Ministère spécifique avec une administration et des délégué.e.s sur (...) Read more

  • Nordic model for Malta?

    Nordic model for Malta?

    [7 May 2017, Press Release by EWL members in Malta] Whilst noting that prostitution in not illegal in Malta, the Malta Confederation of Women’s Organisations (MCWO) is against the regularisation of prostitution in Malta as a normal and legitimate business as this will increase the trafficking of women. Instead MCWO proposes that Malta adopts the Nordic Model which: Decriminalises all those who are prostituted and provides support services to help those who want to exit from this trade. (...) Read more

  • Call for solidarity with abused women, farm workers in Ragusa, Italy

    Call for solidarity with abused women, farm workers in Ragusa, Italy

    [19 April 2017, Open Letter from EWL Romanian members]. In the Ragusa province, in Italy, thousands of Romanian women who work in greenhouses and fields suffer serious labour and sexual exploitation. These women are working as slaves, they are raped and blackmailed to have sex with the owners of the fields and greenhouses. They work 12 hours per day in extreme heat and with no water and are forced to live in degrading and unsanitary conditions, isolated. Their wages many times are not paid. (...) Read more

  • EWL French member La Clef in solidarity with women in Iran & Saudi Arabia

    EWL French member La Clef in solidarity with women in Iran & Saudi Arabia

    [Paris, 10 April 2017, news from EWL French member] The city of Paris hopes to obtain the organisation of the 2024 Olympic Games and to focus its candidacy on respect and equality. 50 mayors of large cities in the world are already supporting the idea saying « Paris has the strengths and the will to give a new lease of life to the Olympic values”. Among these values inscribed in the Olympic Charter and which we share, is the principle of equality between men and women and the fundamental (...) Read more

  • 1er anniversaire de la loi fançaise d’abolition du système prostitutionnel

    1er anniversaire de la loi fançaise d'abolition du système prostitutionnel

    [Paris, 3 avril 2017] Alors que la loi française de lutte contre le système prostitutionnel va fêter son premier anniversaire, les associations féministes et abolitionnistes françaises expriment leur satisfaction au regard de la mise en oeuvre de la loi et rappellent l’importance des quatre piliers qui la constituent (prévention, parcours de sortie, pénalisation, etc.). La coordination française pour le LEF (CLEF), ainsi que plusieurs de ses associations membres, sont membres du collectif (...) Read more

  • "Because I’m feminist, i’m for the abolition of prostitution" - CFFB speaks at #CSW61 official side event

    "Because I'm feminist, i'm for the abolition of prostitution" - CFFB speaks at #CSW61 official side event

    [New York, 15 March 2017] The CFFB (French-speaking Council of Women, Belgium) was invited to deliver a speech during an official side event of the 61st session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women #CSW61. Co-organised by Belgium, Iceland and the European Women’s Lobby, the event discussed the Nordic Model on prostitution as a key step to ensure girls’ and young women’s economic empowerment. Viviane Teitelbaum, president of CFFB (a member organisation of the EWL), presented a feminist (...) Read more

  • Women’s economic liberation and the economic man - oral statement of the Swedish Women’s Lobby at #CSW61

    Women's economic liberation and the economic man - oral statement of the Swedish Women's Lobby at #CSW61

    [New York, 17 March 2017] During the first week of the 61st session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women #csw61, the Swedish Women’s Lobby was given the opportunity to speak during an intergovernmental session. While the space for women’s organisations to influence the member states is shrinking, we are delighted that our Swedish members could address the national delegates and share the concerns and demands of women’s organisations in Europe.
    Oral statement for general discussion from (...) Read more

  • Ireland’s recent examination under CEDAW

    Ireland's recent examination under CEDAW

    [Dublin, 3 March 2017, contribution by Denise Roche, National Women’s Council of Ireland]. In February this year the National Women’s Council of Ireland (NWCI), along with a strong civil society contingent attended the examination of Ireland under the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Often described as an international ‘Bill of Rights’ for women, it was adopted and ratified by Ireland in 1985, thereby, committing the State to taking concrete (...) Read more

  • Cyprus: Pathways towards Sustainable Peace

    Cyprus: Pathways towards Sustainable Peace

    [Nicosia, 8 March 2017] News from our members of the Cyprus Women’s Lobby. The "Pathways towards Sustainable Peace" White Book on "Building United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325, Peace and Security Agenda in Cyprus" is the result of the hard work and efforts put forward by participants at the conference: Pathways Towards Sustainable Peacebuilding on November 3 and 4, 2016 in Cyprus. The publication is supported by World Vision International Middle East and Eastern Europe Regional (...) Read more

  • Collective Complaint Equal Pay for Equal work

    Collective Complaint Equal Pay for Equal work

    [Amsterdam, 26 January 2016] EWL member organisation University Women of Europe has filed collective complaints for application of the Social Charter in the 47 countries members of the Council of Europe stating women are not treated equal as they earn structurally less than men for equal work. As an international INGO, UWE is allowed to submit a collective complaint of violation of the European Social Charter.
    Collective Complaint Equal Pay for Equal work: Women work more hours and earn (...) Read more



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