EWL News

NGOs give their opinion on EU2020 growth Strategy to the European Economic and Social Committee

[Brussels, 6 June 2014] In terms of better engaging with civil society organisations, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) established Liaison Group to better involve the civil society and interact with organisations and networks for political dialogue. The Liaison Group is set to ensure that the EESC has a coordinated approach towards the civil organisations and networks, as well as to monitor joint initiatives.

The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), as member of the civil society organisations of the Liaison Group, contributed to the Liaison Group evaluation of Europe 2020 as requested by the EESC Steering committee. The full report can be find here.

The contribution of the Liaison Group will feed into the forthcoming mid-term review of Europe 2020, of the European Semester process. Together the participants to the liaison group’s contribution have worked to develop their understanding of the Europe 2020 strategy and European Semester process in order to increase their capacity for engagement and ownership of the process. They have also issued recommendations, for a true and strong civil dialogue on the EU policies.

The “Europe 2020 strategy” is the EU’s growth strategy for the coming decade. Launched in 2010, it aims to achieve “smart, sustainable and inclusive growth": smart, through more effective investments in education, research and innovation; sustainable, from a decisive move towards a low-carbon economy; and inclusive, with a strong emphasis on job creation and poverty reduction.

EESC Civil Society Liaison Group participants also work on an assessment of the June 2014 Country Specific Recommendations and a mid-term assessment of the Europe 2020 strategy; as well as looking forward in developing the basis for a model of stakeholders involvement.


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