Members News

Nominate your candidate to the Swedish Gender Equality Award

[News from our Swedish members] The Swedish Gender Equality Award is given out for the first time, on the Gender Equality Days in Malmö on the 27th-28th of January 2016, when we will also find out what the Award entails. The jury that selects the winner is made up by the eminent Advisory Board of the Gender Equality Days.

Criteria: The Swedish Gender Equality Award is given to the actor or activity that has initiated or completed a solution-oriented and innovative work for building gender equal activities. The work should, as a basis for accomplished efforts show a completed current situation analysis and a problem inventory. The work should be practically integrated in regular functions and should be connected to the solution of important challenges in society. The nomination should consider a physical or legal person who is behind, owns, or is responsible for a relevant process, a way of organizing, a method or a product.

The Gender Equality Days is an annual, professional, and national conference focusing on gender equality and gender mainstreaming. The Gender Equality Days are directed at those who work with and/or are responsible for gender equality work in the private and the public sector.
The conference will take place for the first time in Malmö on the 27th-28th of January 2016.

Contact Malpuri Groth:
More about the Gender Equality Days:


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