EWL News

One week to go for EWL Annual Conference and launch of its Beijing+20 report!

[Brussels, 3 October 2014] Next week, the European Women’s Lobby and all its members will gather in Lisbon for four days of meetings and action on women’s rights! In particular, this Annual Conference will comprise the launch of EWL report "Beijing+20: From Words to Action", assessing the implementation by the European Union of the Beijing Platform for Action.

@EuropeanWomen #EWLisboa #Beijing20

The Annual Conference of the EWL will start by a joint meeting between the members of its Policy Committee and the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE). Sharing joint priorities and reflecting on challenges for women’s rights will be at the core of this cooperation.

On Friday 10 October, the EWL is organising an event to publicly launch its report Beijing+20 "From words to action". Speakers from UN Women, EIGE, the Italian Presidency of the EU, Members of the European Parliament including Ana Gomes MEP, as well as the Portuguese Secretary of State for Equality and the Deputy Mayor of Lisbon on Social Rights, will exchange views and discuss with EWL members opportunities for concrete action at EU level. The event is open to the public, see the invitation here.

The EWL Annual Conference will continue on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 October, with many strategic issues at the agenda. Watch out for EWL social media to find out more!

invitation pour site


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