Press releases

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  • Thousands-strong solidarity ring encircles European Parliament

    Thousands-strong solidarity ring encircles European Parliament

    [Brussels, 19 November 2010] With poverty and inequality levels rising throughout Europe, the 2010 Coalition of Social NGOs has called for a solidarity gathering today to urge the European institutions and Member States’ governments to give a more sustainable and equitable response to the crisis, instead of making the most vulnerable carry the cost.
    85 million women and men – around 17% of the EU population – lived below the poverty threshold in 2008. About 20 million of them are children, (...) Read more

  • 19 November: Join the Human ring against poverty around the European Parliament

    19 November: Join the Human ring against poverty around the European Parliament

    The Human Ring around the European Parliament comes at a time when austerity measures put in place by many European governments mean severe cuts in social spending affecting those who are most at risk and which will only worsen an already appalling situation. With 85 million people[1] – around 17% of the EU population – living below the poverty threshold in 2008, the 2010 Coalition of Social NGOs calls for a credible response to the crisis and action on 8 key points: accessible services (...) Read more

  • Demographic and social changes should not put at stake fair pensions for all!

    Demographic and social changes should not put at stake fair pensions for all!

    [Brussels, 12 November 2010] In reaction to the European Commission’s Green Paper and to further develop a much needed Europe-wide debate on pensions, the European Youth Forum, AGE Platform Europe and the European Women’s Lobby believe that any reform should not end up being detrimental to people’s rights allowing all, despite of their age or gender, to benefit from adequate, sustainable and safe European pension systems.
    Given the increased impact of EU economic, fiscal and single-market (...) Read more

  • Maternity rights: European Parliament votes for more equality between women and men and a more sustainable future!

    Maternity rights: European Parliament votes for more equality between women and men and a more sustainable future!

    [Brussels, 20 October 2010] The European Parliament today by a large majority passed a Resolution in favour of substantially increasing European minimum standards for maternity and paternity leave provisions. In what supporters are lauding a great victory for the women and men living in Europe, the Parliament approved an increase of maternity leave provisions from 14 weeks to 20 weeks and the introduction of two weeks leave for new fathers, both fully paid.
    ‘This is an incredibly important (...) Read more

  • EU fundamental rights and economic sustainability should not be hijacked by UK business interests, says European Women’s Lobby

    EU fundamental rights and economic sustainability should not be hijacked by UK business interests, says European Women's Lobby

    [Brussels, 18 October 2010] In the run up to the European Parliament vote on the proposed revision of the so-called ‘Maternity Leave Directive’, UK business leaders have been descending en masse on Brussels in an attempt to block legislation designed to protect women’s rights and economic independence throughout the 27 country block.
    If successful, it is the 26 other member states of the EU which will have to pay the price, gender equality associations are warning.
    ‘It is absolutely (...) Read more

  • Strong European maternity leave provisions key to sustainable societies, says European Women’s Lobby

    Strong European maternity leave provisions key to sustainable societies, says European Women's Lobby

    [Brussels, 15 October 2010] As the Members of the European Parliament prepare to vote on European maternity leave provisions, women’s organisations from across the EU are mobilising to back European legislation guaranteeing at least 20 weeks fully paid leave for new mothers, and two for fathers. ‘The 736 European parliamentarians are not just being asked to cast a vote on a detail of legislation’, says Brigitte Triems, President of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL). ‘They are being asked to make (...) Read more

  • EWL criticises EU’s gender neutral approach to trafficking and calls for focus on demand for prostitution, in line with 1949 UN Convention

    EWL criticises EU's gender neutral approach to trafficking and calls for focus on demand for prostitution, in line with 1949 UN Convention

    [Brussels, 14 October 2010] On 18 October, the EU will celebrate its fourth Anti-Trafficking Day, and launch a two-day conference on trafficking in human beings. The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is concerned about the growing trend in European and international fora to address trafficking in human beings as a homogeneous issue, leading to general actions which fail to address the root causes of the different forms of trafficking.
    ‘79% of trafficking in human beings is for sexual (...) Read more

  • New EU Strategy for gender equality has potential to deliver results, says European Women’s Lobby

    [Brussels, 21 September 2010] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), the largest umbrella organisation of women’s associations in the European Union, today welcomed the launch of the EU’s much anticipated new five year strategy for equality between women and men. ‘A number of crucial issues are dealt with in this new document and some concrete actions are outlined’, said Myria Vassiliadou, Secretary General of the EWL; ‘what is less clear at this stage are the ways in which the Strategy translates (...) Read more

  • EU Justice and Home Affairs Ministers debate European Protection Order

    On Friday 4 June, EU ministers for Justice and Home Affairs will meet to discuss a Spanish Presidency proposal for a European Protection Order (EPO). If political agreement is reached, EU-level judicial cooperation could be extended to mutual recognition of national protection orders by 2011.
    The Spanish EU Presidency, in line with the work programme of the Trio Presidency of Spain, Belgium and Hungary, has made combating violence against women a key priority of its time at the helm of the (...) Read more

  • NGO coalition calls for calls for 2012 to become European Year of Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity

    Date: 29 April 2010 (European Day of Solidarity between Generations)
    Issuing organisation: NGO Coalition for a 2012 European Year for Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity
    The current crisis is sharpening the sense of urgency to review fundamentally the way our society functions. Some groups have been particularly hit by the crisis, including the young, the low skilled, children in unemployed households, employees on temporary contracts, EU mobile workers, migrants, ethnic (...) Read more



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