Monitoring women in politics

Relaunch of the 50/50 Campaigns Lobbying Kit

(20 February 2014) We are delighted to inform you today about the launch our 50/50 Campaigns’ “No Modern European Democracy without Gender Equality” Lobbying Kit ahead of the EU elections in May.

After we launched it at the beginning of February we had to take it out of all EWL online media due to technical problems. We are happy that we can relaunch it today!

This Kit serves on the one hand as an Action Kit, facilitating your engagement, and on the other hand as a resource for arguments to show why parity democracy is important for all of us.

It is aimed helping national (women’s rights) organisations and dedicated individuals in their demand to ensure the equal representation of women and men in political decision-making ahead of the coming elections.

This Lobbying Kit provides practical and user friendly information:

  • facts and figures in order to convince people of the importance of parity democracy in Europe and beyond
  • model lobbying letters in order to address national political parties, heads of governments and prominent supporters
  • means and measures in order to improve the number of women in political decision-making positions

Please feel free to adopt the lobbying letters to your needs- send them, post them on your website or on your social media.

Please download the full Kit in English here and in French here.


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