EWL News

Romania - EWL members organise picket protest demanding action to end violence against women

[Bucharest, 23 November 2011] 23 Romanian NGO’s are organising a picket protest on Friday, November 25th , between 16.00-18.00 PM in front of the Romanian Parliament - the Chamber of Deputies, demanding improvement and proper application of the law on prevention and combating domestic violence.

NGO’s and individuals who have joined the protest criticise the lack of interest of members of Parliament and representatives of state institutions towards domestic violence. Our main demands are the introduction in the law of the order for protection of the victim and the order of restriction againts perpetrator, along with proper budgeting and funding for domestic violence shelters. The legislation of most EU countries includes the order for protection of the victim and the order of restriction against perpetrator. Several bills demanding the same provisions in Romania were submitted to the Romanian Parliament, but their discussion was postponed indefinitely. Victims can no longer wait!

The aggressors abuse women because they can and because they are allowed to. As long as the Government does not take the required legal measures, it becomes an accomplice to aggression!

Between 2004 and 2008, there were over 47,000 cases of domestic violence at a national level and 677 deaths were reported. Of the total victims, 71.34% are women. Of the total male victims, 72% are minors. So, among adults, abusers are overwhelmingly men, and the victims are women.

According to the National Agency for Family Protection, over 12,000 cases of domestic violence were registered in 2009, representing an increase of 8, 04% from 2008 and 41.81% compared to 2007. Compared with 2008, the number of women victims increased by 13.81%. Data for 2010 were not collected by the Agency since it was dissolved by the Government after the restructuring of governmental agencies. Across the country, places in shelters cover only 4.46% of the support needed for victims. Last year, in eight counties there was no center for victims of domestic violence: Bacau, Bistrita - Nasaud, Brasov, Calarasi, Giurgiu, Maramures, Olt, and Suceava.

Moreover, Romania has deeply poor legislation, which does not protect victims. Law no. 217/2003 on preventing and combating domestic violence proved dysfunctional. The order of protection is a legal instrument highly necessary to ensure immediate safety for victims. The lack of shelters for victims is an additional argument for the order of protection to be introduced.

We cannot stand the silence anymore! Enough is enough. We’ve had enough with violence understood as a personal and private matter. It is a political issue. We’ve had enough of politicians who are accomplices of aggressors, and not victims’ representatives. We’ve had enough of disinterested MPs who are supposed to pass a law for real and not fictional protection of victims.

Over 200 participants are expected to protest in Izvor Park, in front of the Chamber of Deputies, starting with 16:00 PM. Some women will be wearing make-up and bandages to simulate the traces that physical abuse leaves on women. We invite men to join the cause. The fight against violence should not be only a women’s issue. Violence against women should no longer be tolerated. Lawmakers must decide whether the right to life, physical and mental integrity, as the Romanian Constitution provides in Article 22, will be respected and accounted for by the introduction protection and restriction orders.

Organisations protesting:

Centrul de Dezvoltare Curricular? ?i Studii de Gen: FILIA, Asocia?ia Front, Agen?ia de Dezvoltare Comunitar? „Împreun?”, Centrul Parteneriat pentru Egalitate, Romani CRISS - Centrul Romilor pentru Interven?ie Social? ?i Studii, Centrul de Mediere ?i Securitate Comunitar?, Funda?ia ?anse Egale pentru Femei, Asocia?ia Clubul Academic de Studii Europene, Funda?ia Sensiblu, Grupul Român pentru Ap?rarea Drepturilor Omului, Asocia?ia Transcena, Institutul pentru Politici Publice, Asocia?ia Român? Anti-SIDA, Asocia?ia pentru Libertate si Egalitate de Gen- A.L.E.G, Asocia?ia Pas Alternativ, Asocia?ia pentru ?anse Egale, Asocia?ia Femeilor Jurnaliste din România „ARIADNA”, Centrul de Studii în Idei Politice, Funda?ia IREX/Programul Biblionet, Euroregional Center for Public Initiatives-ECPI, Policy Center for Roma and Minorities, Asocia?ia ACCEPT.

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About 25 November

Since 1999, November 25 has become the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women with the adoption of the UN resolution no. 54/134.

This day is marked by events throughout the world condemning the various forms of violence directed against women.

Violence against women is one of the most widespread human rights violations in the world. It takes place at home, on the street, at school, at work, in refugee camps and during conflicts and crises. More or less, it occurs in all countries in the world, regardless of ethnicity, race, income or education.


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