
Seminar on the importance of an adequate implementation of the Istanbul Convention

On the 5 December 2013, at the Office of the European Parliament in Rome, the Italian Coordination to the European Women’s Lobby organised an event to sensitize on the importance of an adequate implementation of the Istanbul Convention as a tool to eradicate violence against women including rape. The subtitle was: “Stupro de l’Aquila: un banco di prova per l’attuazione dei principi della Convenzione”: Lef-Italia and its expert to the EWL Observatory, Oria Garganom have decided to frame the event in relation to an Appeal Process for a case of very violent rape that would take place the following day at l’Aquila (Abruzzo Region). Since Italy has already signed and ratified (June 2013) the Convention and has recently adopted a package of laws in matters of feminicide and violence against women (August 2013), LEF Italy thought to bind the EWL and CoE Rape Joint Project into a to very concrete event with twofold purposes: to raise awareness on rape and to act as a lobbying action towards the l’Aquila Appeal Process.

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Lef-Italia invited as guest speakers: MEP Silvia Costa who outlined the great work of the Femm Commettee in advancing EU gender legislation and policies. The Lawyers Siusi Casaccia (LEF-Italia President), Franca Mina (Forum delle Giuriste), Carla Quinto (Bee Free), Maria Claudia Ruggeri and Simona Giannangeli (defense lawyers of the raped girl of l’Aquila) described the difficulties of implementation of the measures provided for by the law due to the length of processes and to the burocracy related to the judicial system in Italy. All the lawyers present highlighted the lack of training of judges and law enforcement agencies within the provisions of the new antiviolence package of laws. Moreover they agreed in pointing out: the punitive nature of the law itself, the absence of intervention on the cultural aspects of violence and its prevention. Elisabetta Parmegiani mother of the raped girl stressed the importance of the event organized by LEF-Italia outlining claiming that the l’Aquila Appeal process would be a test for the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Italy.


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