Members News

Social Platform’s General Assembly of 4 April 2019

[Brussels, 4 April 2019] Social Platform unites 49 networks of civil society organisations, including EWL, working with and for some of the most marginalised groups in society. At their General Assembly on 4 April, members elected a new Management Committee more committed than ever to continue advancing a strong vision of Europe that leaves no one behind.

With a diverse membership, one of the things that brings Social Platform together is the confidence in the power of solidarity, civic activism and putting people at the heart of campaigns, civic interventions and decision-making. We are united by the need to work together towards ensuring that Europe, despite multiple and overlapping challenges, is orientated towards being more social, fairer and inclusive, and is not limited to its geographical borders.

Members agreed that the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development should provide the overarching framework for the future vision of Europe. At the same time, civil dialogue and participatory democracy were recognised as key to unlocking the full potential of the European Pillar of Social Rights and as important vehicles to push for greater social justice across the EU.

Follow the links to read the full statement and meet the new leadership.


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