European & International News

Social partners of the audiovisual sector agree on actions to promote gender equality

[European Commission, Brussels, 27 October 2011] The Framework of Actions on Gender Equality adopted by the social partners of the audiovisual sector covers gender portrayal, addressing gender roles at work, equal pay, equality in decision making, and the reconciliation of work and personal life.

This comprehensive set of actions builds on similar previous agreements, such as the 2005 framework of the cross-industry social partners. It acknowledges the audiovisual sector’s specific responsibility to protect and promote fundamental freedoms and democracy across the EU. The social partners also carefully considered how to promote and respect both the fundamental rights of equality and non-discrimination on the one hand and of freedom of expression on the other.

The European social partners of the audiovisual sector are committed to promote these actions and recommendations among their member organisations. In one year time the Working Group on Gender Equality will make a first assessment of the progress made. Based on this report the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee will decide on the follow-up actions.

The parties to the Framework of Actions are the European social partners represented in the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee of the audiovisual sector:

  • On the employers’ side: Association of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT); Association of European Radios (AER); European Broadcasting Union (EBU); European Coordination of Independent Producers (CEPI); and the International Federation of Film Producers Associations (FIAPF).
  • On the workers’ side: EURO-MEI, the European region of the Media, Entertainment and Arts sector of UNI Global Union; European Federation of Journalists (EFJ); International Federation of Actors (FIA); and the International Federation of Musicians (FIM).

Download the Framework of Actions in PDF format:

audiovisual sector framework of actions on gender equality 27102011


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