EWL News

The EWL congratulates the EP Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee for its stance against violence against women

[Brussels, 23 January 2013] The European Parliament Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee voted today on the report on Combating Violence against women. The EWL congratulates the Rapporteur MEP Antonyia Parvanova for her work and calls all the MEPs to support this important report at the Plenary vote in February. In particular, the EWL welcomes the report’s recommendation to establish a European Year to End violence against women and calls on all MEPs to support its campaign asking for such year in 2016.

Violence against women is a human rights issue and affects approximately 45% of all women across Europe. An estimated one-fifth of women in the EU suffer from violence within the home and more than one in ten women is a victim of sexual violence involving the use of force. Seven women die every day from domestic violence in the EU. But, despite all this, to date, the EU has not the EU has no binding legislation regarding violence against women.

The report makes important recommendations to the European Commission and the EU Member States on combating violence against women. It requests the European Commission to put forward a draft law with measures to prevent gender-based violence against women in the EU by the end of the year. It also calls on member states to introduce prevention measures, education programmes and trainings, exchange of information and best practices, awareness-raising campaigns and better data collection. Find out the FEMM Committee press release on the topic following this link.

The Report also urges the Commission to establish an EU Year to End Violence against Women. The EWL strongly support this proposal as an European Year to End Violence against women will serve to raise awareness among citizens of this widespread problem which affects all the EU’s Member States. By establishing a European Year to end violence against women and girls, the EU would play a leading role in raising awareness on violence against women, and at the same time propose concrete measures to act against the perpetuation of violence against women.

We want 2016 to be the European Year to End Violence against Women! Women cannot wait any longer!

You can support our campaign by signing the EWL petition calling on European Commission President Barroso to establish a European Year to End Violence against Women and Girls! Let’s reach a critical number of supporters to make our voice heard!! Click here.

Sign and share this petition! Thanks a lot in advance for your action!


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