EWL News

The EWL sends Open Letter to EC President Barroso on gender equality perspective in the Annual Growth Survey

[Brussels, 25 October 2013] The EWL has sent a letter to European Commission President Barroso urging the Commission to include a gender equality perspective in the Annual Growth Survey. The Annual Growth Survey is a vital step in the European Semester Process that determines countries’ obligations and should feed into national economic and budgetary decisions. Member states take this on board while producing a Stability and Convergence Programmes and National Reform Programmes which later form the basis of the commission’s country specific recommendations (CSRs).

The EWL is calling for gender mainstreaming, the integration of a gender equality perspective into every stage of policy processes – design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, all throughout this policy ping pong match!

Despite the commitments made in the Pact for Gender Equality and purported success of the recently published midterm review of the Strategy for Equality between Women and Men 2010-2015, several outcomes of the European semester fell short of our expectations.

Find the EWL Open Letter to EC President Barroso here.


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