European & International News

WIDE calls on EU to ensure strong gender perspective in Busan forum on aid effectiveness

[Brussels, 06 October 2011] The WIDE Network has published a reaction to the European Commission’s Communication Proposal for the EU Common Position for the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, Busan.

In September the European Commission released a Communication COM (2011) 541 outlining a Proposal for the EU common position for the 4th High level Forum on aid effectiveness, Busan ( In a reaction to this proposal the WIDE network calls on the Commission and Member States to ensure that gender equality and women’s rights feature strongly as goals in themselves and as horizontal issues in all priority focus areas identified by the EU (ownership, transparency, fragmentation, alignment, accountability for results, countries in fragile situation, South-south cooperation, private sector, climate financing, governance and monitoring framework).

WIDE draws its arguments and recommendations from the Key Demands from Women’s Rights Organizations and Gender Equality Advocates to the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness and Development Cooperation Forum that are the result of an International Consultation organized by Women’s Organizations in the BetterAid Coordination Group, and hosted by WIDE in Brussels (June 2011); as well as the expert analysis by the WIDE Network which has been actively following the aid effectiveness process since 2007.

WIDE’s position and proposals are primary focused on the gender analysis of the Communication and should be treated complementary to the position of CONCORD, which WIDE fully supports. (see also: ).

Please find the position attached. For further information, feedback or questions, please do not hesitate to contact Kasia Staszewska at

wide position on ec com for busan


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