EWL News

WILPF publishes new edition of PeaceWomen

[Brussels. 17 January 2010] EWL member organisation the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) has issued the 121st edition of PeaceWomen ENews, featuring women, peace and security news, events and resources from peacewomen.org.

This issue is titled ’An Active Agenda for Women’s Advocates in 2011’ and includes: 1. Editorial by Michelle Reyf 2. Women, Peace and Security News 3. Featured WPS Events, Resources & Initiatives 4. Security Council Monitor 5. Translation Initiative 6. NGOWG Update 7. WILPF Events

The PeaceWomen 1325 E-Newsletter is an electronic newsletter sent out on a monthly basis. We have over 114 E-News in our archives, which have been issued monthly for over 8 years. The E-Newsletter offers the Project an opportunity to update our subscribers, regularly share our work and provides a space for issue-based advocacy. Government, UN and civil society representatives receive the 1325 PeaceWomen E-Newsletter and rely on it for updates on SCR 1325 and related women, peace and security issues.

In April 2008 we published our 100th Edition of the E-news, which contains some history of the publications. The E-News promotes collaborative relationships and has included regular contributions from UNIFEM and the NGOWG on Women, Peace and Security. The E-News continues to be a valuable space for other organizations and networks to publicize their work. The themes of E-News editions are based on upcoming events at the UN or on events and processes in the world. The E-News subscription levels have increased significantly over time – with thousands of subscribers and redistribution by other services develops.

Download the January 2011 edition: http://www.peacewomen.org/publications_enews_issue.php?id=151


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