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Want to exchange on a renewed Europe? Join the 2nd Citizens Summit in Brussels, 23-24 September 2014

[Brussels, 22 July 2014] Do you want to join other citizens and civil society organisations to exchange about a renewed Europe? to challenge Europe’s growth obsession and propose a more accountable, citizen-oriented, human rights and value based Europe? Then the Citizens Summit is the place for your voice to be heard. Join us on 23-24 September in Brussels !

The European Citizens Summit is an annual conference organised by the EU Civil Society Contact Group, aiming to envision a Europe for and from citizens. In 2014, the second edition of the Citizens Summit is entitled "Beyond the growth obsession - rights, justice and democracy for a renewed Europe" and will gather citizens, activists, NGOs from all over Europe and beyond. On 10 July, a webinar took place to present the Summit and launch its new website citizenssummit.eu.

The Citizens Summit will propose interactive and participative workshops and sessions, to discuss our main demands, about a new Europe for and from citizens:

  • 1. A structured and transparent Civil Society Dialogue:
  • inclusive, fair and respectful, accessible, properly facilitated
  • 2. A Participatory Democracy through accessible tool for European Citizens
  • 3. Discuss and create legitimacy for an alternative vision

Join us! Visit our website & register!

If you are an organisation and want to support the event, you can become a friend of the Citizens Summit! By giving visibility to the event and promoting it, we would make sure that you are visible during the event. Please contact us for more information!

The EU Civil Society Contact Group (CSCG) brings together eight large rights and value based NGO sectors – culture, environment, education, development, human rights, public health, social and women. Jointly we aim to represent the views and interests of rights and value based civil society organisations across the European Union on major issues, which affect us across our sectors of activity. The European Women’s Lobby is a member of the CSCG.

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