Members News

We should all be feminists!

[Stockholm, 1 December 2015] News from EWL Swedish members Kvinnolobby ”I would like to ask that we begin to dream about and plan for a different world. A fairer world. A world of happier men and happier women who are truer to themselves.”This is written by the award-winning author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie in her book “We should all be feminists”. The book is her personal call for a feminism that concerns us all. The text was originally a TED-talk that has been seen by more than two million people on Youtube and was sampled in Beyoncé’s “***Flawless”.

The Swedish Women’s Lobby and Albert Bonniers Förlag together with the UN association of Sweden, LO, The Order of the Teaspoon, Unizon and Gertrud Åström, is now about to distribute the book, in Swedish, as a gift to all second grade high school students in Sweden. Our hope is that We should all be feminists will work as a stepping stone for a discussion about gender equality and feminism. We live in a world that too easily puts people of different background against each other. We want to act for the opposite.

On December 1st 2015 the book Alla borde vara feminister, which is the name of the Swedish version (translated by Niclas Hval), will be launched at Norra Real High school in Stockholm. The Swedish Women’s Lobby, together with our partner organisations, will hold a press conference on the historic initiative to distribute the book in Sweden and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie herself will participate with a video greeting to the Swedish high school students.Find out more about the event here in Swedish.


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