EWL News

Women Changing Europe: EWL Strategic Framework 2022-2026

EWL launches today its new Strategic Framework "Women Changing Europe: Building a Feminist Vision for the Future of Europe Strategy 2022-2026".

This strategy was developed during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic with all aspects of our work and our mission being impacted significantly. Over the course of this period, the EWL adapted to the restrictions brought about by the pandemic, sharpened its actions in a radically changed world, enabled online spaces for the women’s movement to come together during the time of the pandemic crisis, to rapidly analyse the significant and long-term impacts this crisis will have, and how this will be shouldered disproportionately by women and girls in Europe.

"We’re proud to launch our new Strategic Framework 2022-2026. We have laid the ground for the EWL to continue representing an inclusive, fearless, loud, independent feminist voice and bringing the voices of women and girls into the European political arena."
Dina Vardaramatou, EWL’s Secretary General

Through our COVID-19 Policy Brief “Women Must Not Pay the Price for COVID-19” , we called on governments to put equality between women and men at the heart of their response. We continued to push for a feminist approach to the economy embodied in the EWL’s Purple Pact. With the impacts and implications of COVID-19 on women and girls, the EWL calls for a universal social care system with an infrastructure that can provide social and quality care services for all which are accessible and affordable for women and girls.

The past year’s pandemic crisis brought forth EWL’s Women Changing Europe Strategy 2022-2026 which is a bold testament to our commitment to continue working together for a Feminist Europe, even in times of complexity and uncertainty. The work we have outlined for the next five years is ambitious, brave and passionately dedicated to achieving women’s rights and equality between women and men, girls and boys in Europe. It is based on the commitment, passion and dedication of all involved, as well as flexibility and adaptability in planning and implementation. It is also based on our knowledge and learning on how to adapt, build on our resilience, launch rapid response, and pivot on our strategies due to the emerging demands and issues.

"Representing the diversity of the women’s movement across Europe, we act as a catalyst connecting different actors to bring transformational change. With our new Strategic Framework, we will build consensus and mobilise our members’ collective experience and expertise to realise women’s rights, equality between women and men and social justice, leaving no woman and girl behind."
Réka Sáfrány, EWL’s President

Women Changing Europe outlines the context the EWL works in and our renewed commitment to our vision and mission, core values and principles. It also presents our Theory of Change; how we believe change can happen and how we will contribute to it to achieve feminist care and ensure equality between women and men, boys and girls. Finally, it presents our overall objectives for the next five years, followed by action points for each.

Click below to read our new Strategy:


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