
Women’s NGOs call on the Swedish Presidency to initiate a European strategy on all forms of male violence against women (November 2009)

EWL EPACVAW Statement 9 Nov Swedish Conference VAW

On 9 November, the Swedish Presidency of the European Union will be holding a conference on
strategies to combat men’s violence against women in Stockholm. The European Women’s Lobby
(EWL) warmly welcomes this initiative which shows a strong political will to address male violence
against women with a European perspective.

When including all forms of violence against women, 45% of all women in Europe have been
subjected to and suffered from men’s violence. One in 5 women in Europe has been subjected to
domestic violence, that is, in her own home. More than one tenth of all women have suffered
sexual violence as defined in its most narrow sense. However, the reporting and conviction rates
of violence are still very low, reflecting the perpetuation of stereotypes and of cultural
representations that male violence against women is a private matter or that women are to
blame for it.

The EWL welcomes the Swedish Presidency’s choice to address violence against women from a
gender equality perspective, therefore bringing into light the social dimension of violent acts
perpetrated by men against women and supported by social norms and stereotypes.

One of the main objectives of the conference lies in the opportunity for Member States to share
experiences and working methods, together with EU institutions, but also with NGOs. The EWL
regrets that many women’s organisations having huge expertise in the area of violence against
women won’t be able to attend the event due to a lack of support from their national

The EWL and its members remind the essential role of civil society as key actor and interlocutor,
and call on the Swedish Presidency and the Member States to ensure a broad consultation of
women’s NGOs at all decision-making levels when designing policies and strategies aimed at
combating male violence against women.


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