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Write to the Hungarian PM calling for respect for women’s sexual and reproductive rights!

Send a letter today to the Hungarian Government ensure that the new Hungarian Constitution does not limit women’s reproductive rights or discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity!

Hungary is reviewing its Constitution. The EWL and its Hungarian members are concerned that the draft text for the Constitution – to be finalised by 25 April – contains provisions on that might result in violations of women’s sexual and reproductive rights and health and to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. The language used in the draft Constitution regarding the right to life does not correspond to that used in international and European human rights instruments – to which Hungary is also party – and appears to unconditionally prohibit abortion, thereby probably leading to a tightening of legislation on abortion. The draft Constitution also gives a very conservative vision of marriage and family, thereby discriminating against new forms of couples and families, and not reflecting the society we live in. It is unacceptable that in the 21st Century, a European country includes in its Constitution a provision which directly endangers women’s lives and families and allows for discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Support our efforts to ensure that the Hungarian Constitution is a forward-looking document that protects and promotes the rights of all women. Copy the text below or download the model letter and write to PM Viktor Orbán at: You can copy: Thank you for your support!
Your Excellency, I write to express my concern that the draft text for the new Constitution of Hungary – to be finalised by 25 April – contains provisions on that might result in violations of women’s sexual and reproductive rights and health and to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. The language used in the draft Constitution regarding the right to life does not correspond to that used in international and European human rights instruments – to which Hungary is also party – and appears to unconditionally prohibit abortion, thereby probably leading to a tightening of legislation on abortion. The draft Constitution also gives a very conservative vision of marriage and family, thereby discriminating against new forms of couples and families, and not reflecting the society we live in. It is unacceptable that in the 21st Century, a European country includes in its Constitution a provision which directly endangers women’s lives and families and allows for discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. I trust that you will do your best to ensure that the Hungarian Constitution is a forward-looking document, taking the lead in promoting women’s rights and gender equality and non-discrimination for all women and men living in Hungary. Sincerely yours, Download the letter in Word format: public model letter to hungarian prime minister march 2011 2

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