[Brussels, 16 February 2015 ] 1 in 3 women across the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. That’s ONE BILLION WOMEN AND GIRLS. Every February, – in hundreds of countries across the world – people rise to show local communities and the world what one billion looks like and shine a light on the rampant impunity and injustice that survivors most often face. The EWL and its members have also joined the movement in different cities in Europe, being an energetic platform gathering thousands people from all ages to raise their voice for a world free of violence against women and girls.
In Brussels, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and its Belgian members, the Vrouwenraad (NVR), le Conseil des Femmes Francophones de Belgique (CFFB) were joined by la Marche Mondiale des Femmes and the Youth Board of Plan Belgium, organised an event in front of the Central Station. Many songs, dances, street art with young people to raise against sexist violence and the control of women’s bodies. It was the opportunity to highlight some forms of violence especially against young women and girls, the increase of hypersexualisation and tolerance of media towards pornography and prostitution.
Find the pictures on our flickr-page.
All accross Europe, groups have been on the streets and in public places, creating a radical shift in consciousness, being creative and making more determined actions to bring about CHANGE to END violence against women and girls. More photos can be seen on the following link.
Here are few examples of the EWL members actions:
- In Czech Republic, the Czech women´s Lobby did actions in Prague, calling for the signature of the Istanbul Convention, and also in Brno
- In Cyprus, MIGS together with the Cyprus Women’s Lobby did a march through the Old Town of Nicosia accompanied by female drummers as one billion women and men round the world RISE FOR REVOLUTION against violence against women.
- In Hungary, the Hungarian Women’s Lobby organised an event with dances and strong speeches
- In Macedonia, a successful participatory event, organised by 11 NGO’s including Macedonian Women’s Lobby, took place in Skopje.