Members corner


October 2010

LGTBI rights in Europe – EWL participates in ILGA Europe Annual Conference

So Sexy, So Soon – The New Sexualised Childhood (July 2009)

Colloque : Prévenir les violences dans le contexte de la prostitution: Bruxelles, 8 novembre 2010

UN NGLS: Implementation of UNSCR 1325 at Ten (October 2010)

Join the 16 Days of activism against gender violence campaign!

European Parliament proposes 20-week maternity leave

IDEA conference on the role of gender justice in development theory and policy

2011 UN Mediation Standby Team

WIDE capacity-building workshop on gender, eco-justice and sustainable development: Brussels, 8-9 Dec 2010

CEDAW adopts Recommendation on implementation of article 2 against discrimination

IEFH (Belgique) Expert(e) administratif(ve) généraliste (m/f) pour la coordination provinciale sous « convention de premier emploi »

EEA and Norway grants to NGOs consultation

ICAN & Center for International Studies – What Women Say: Participation & UNSCR 1325: Case Study Assessment (1 October 2010)

Compétences et disponibilité des membres pour représenter le LEF – questionnaire

Members skills and availability to represent EWL – questionnaire