Members corner


August 2011

Grossesse et directive maternité – Les femmes payent-elles le prix de la crise économique et financière?

Pregnancy and Maternity leave – Are women paying the price of the financial and economic crisis?

Call for proposals: European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals (deadline: 11 October 2011)

Le président Obama est exhorté à protéger les droits des victimes du viol en périodes de conflit armé

EWL thanks Eva-Britt Svensson for her outstanding contribution to advancing women’s rights as Chair of the European Parliament’s FEMM Committee

Chairwoman of the EP Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Eva-Britt Svensson (GUE/NGL) resigns

UNITE Campaign T-Shirt Design Competition for young men (deadline: 21 September 2011)

Training: Media Relations Workshop for NGOs from EU States: London, 27-28 October 2011

Financement UE pour les actions contre la traite (date limite : le 24 octobre 2011)

President Obama urged to end US violation of the rights of rape survivors in armed conflict

The Silent Crisis

“Gender and Media” training course for youth held in Estonia

Forum de la socité civile : Vivre ensemble – Concilier la diversité et la liberté dans l’Europe du XXIe siècle : Strasbourg, 13-14 novembre 2011

Civil Society Forum: Living Together – Combining diversity and freedom in 21st Century Europe: Strasbourg, 13-14 November 2011

Réunions statutaires du LEF 2011-2012