Members corner


December 20, 2013

Report on the 10th European Integration Forum

ETUI Monthly Forum – Gender policies and the austerity crisis (Brussels, 15/02/2014)

AGE Platform Europe – Vacancy Project Communication Officer (Deadline 12/01/2014)

This Is My Home Now Strasbourg Screening European Parliament

UN Women launches first-ever database mapping gender provisions in constitutions worldwide

Nordicom launches a new platform for gender equality in the media

Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme adopted by EU Parliament and Council

Direction de l’Egalite des Chances (Féderation Wallonie-Bruxelles) Un enfant exposé aux violences conjugales est un enfant maltraité

ASBL Femmes et Santé – Rencontres intergénérationnelles (Bruxelles, 8/02 et 15/02/2014)

European Commission – Call for expression of interest for H2020 experts

Happy Holidays from the European Women’s Lobby

Successful mobilisation of EWL members across Europe: Act against rape! Promote the Istanbul Convention!

Ask UN Women to recognise the reality of prostitution

Equality Now petition: Include women in the Syrian pacebuilding process now!