Members corner


September 2015

WEstart – Mapping women’s social entrepreneurship in Europe report & mini-reports

WEstart conference 11 September 2015

Launch of the WEstart Database

New publication of MIGS (Cyprus): ‘I Thought I was Applying as a Care Giver’: Trafficking in Women for Labour Exploitation in Domestic Work

EWL co-hosts anti-sex trafficking global-joint campaign: #NOtosextrafficking, #YEStohumanrights

Step it UP – by 2030!

A snapshot of our members activities & initiatives in September 2015

EWL Young Feminist Summer School 2015

WEstart Conference: Women Social Entrepreneurs Changing Europe 11 September 2015

Motivating EWL Webinar on “Mobilising for a Feminist Approach to Peace and Security”

Asylum is not gender neutral: the refugee crisis in Europe from a feminist perspective

EWL Year of Action on Beijing+20 Webinar “Mobilising for a Feminist Approach to Peace and Security”

Women social entrepreneurs changing Europe // Conference 11.09.2015

Joint call to support MEP Liliana Rodrigues report on “Empowering girls through education”

Joint declaration of women’s & LGBTI organisations for peace