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November 2016

CP Une première cartographie de l’entreprenariat social des femmes en Belgique francophone.

Children cannot wait: 7 priority actions to protect all refugee and migrant children

Politics, the feminist way

2017 European Year of focused action to fight violence against women: will the EU walk the talk?

Factsheet – EU ratification of the Istanbul Convention: A vital opportunity to end violence against women and girls

Trump’s Win Has The Global Women’s Rights Movement Very, Very Worried

ExCHANGE – transatlantic cooperation to smash the glass-ceiling

16 December 2016: an opportunity to change Herstory and end violence against women in the UK

Donate now! Support our Glass Ceiling Emergency Fund

The AKP’s bill on marrying off the children with their rapists and sexual harassers should immediately be withdrawn!

HERstory: Launch of Ad Venture Student Competition

Factsheet – EU ratification of the Istanbul Convention: A vital opportunity to end violence against women and girls

Women’s Coalition – Turkey: WE ARE HERE!

St Nicolette X FemTALK Celebrating feminisms through the arts

Women of Europe Awards 2016