Members corner


March 2021

The Irish Observatory on Violence Against Women and Girls’ letter to Taoiseach Martin

IWRA condemns Turkey’s decision to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention

ETUC statement in response to Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention

Withdrawal from Istanbul Convention must have consequences

The EWL condemns the President of Turkey’s Decision to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention

Soroptimists in Europe says NO to Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention

The State does not recognise women’s right to a life without violence!

Pay transparency directive – a milestone in closing the gender pay gap?

Portugal warns at the UN of the shadow pandemic of violence against women

Unpaid care work cannot be invisible

EWL members meet for bi-annual EWL Board Meeting

Young Women in Politics Talks

Gender Inequality: The Social Construct

The real invisible hand: women and the need for a care economy

Should all salaries be public to close the gender pay gap?