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IDEA conference on the role of gender justice in development theory and policy

Call for papers: International Development Ethics Association

This IDEA conference (June 9-11, 2011) has as its main purpose to understand and deepen the analysis of the role of gender justice in development theory and policy. The conference will engage scholars and practitioners from around the world and from a wide variety of disciplines and activities (including philosophy and other humanities, social sciences, policy studies, development, social work, NGOs, local and global agencies and organizations, government officials and policy makers). Deadline for abstract submissions: December 17, 2010.

IDEA invites submissions that could include discussions of gender as it relates to any of the following list of topics.

Gender and

  • concepts of equality, justice, rights, capabilities
  • concepts of agency, empowerment, freedom, autonomy
  • concepts of democracy, citizenship, constitutionalism
  • concepts of the law, judicial reform, access to justice
  • intersections of race, class, ethnicity, other factors of discrimination
  • intersections of local/national and global
  • economic globalization, global economy, markets, labor
  • the family, community, nation, global
  • reproductive health, health care, population
  • education, religion, culture
  • concepts of poverty, measuring inequalities
  • the environment, climate change, public health
  • feminisms, movements, activism
  • post-colonialism, imperialism, transnationalism
  • power, knowledge, institutional structures
  • care ethics, values and ethics in general
  • migration, global in the local
  • violence, conflict, war, terrorism
  • Human Development Reports, Millennium Development Goals, measurements, standards
  • local, national, and global institutions and NGOs

Papers could examine these issues from diverse theoretical and conceptual perspectives including philosophical argument, empirical analysis, examinations of policy, and action strategies. Papers could consider how and to what degree the concrete experiences of women in specific contexts can and should inform theory, practice, and activism at local and global levels. The conference will engage scholars and practitioners from around the world and from a wide variety of disciplines and activities (including philosophy and other humanities, social sciences, policy studies, development, social work, NGOs, local and global agencies and organizations, government officials and policy makers). IDEA particularly welcomes submissions from scholars and practitioners in South countries.

Submission of Abstracts:

Proposals should be submitted by email to Christine Koggel at and should include:

1. An abstract of 500 words

2. Name, affiliation, and contact information on a separate page

3. A biography of under 100 words (for the conference program)

El idioma principal del congreso será el inglés. Sin embargo se pueden presentar algunas comunicaciones en español, dependiendo de la disponibilidad de voluntarios para realizar traducciones informales. Las propuestas para comunicaciones en español deben enviarse a Daniela Gallego a la siguiente dirección de correo:

Important dates:

December 17, 2010: deadline for proposals

February 18, 2011: notification of acceptance

May 1, 2011: deadline for submission of complete papers

Organizing committee:

  • Jay Drydyk, Professor of Philosophy, Carleton University. President of IDEA and Director of COVE (Conference Co-Chair)
  • Christine Koggel, Professor of Philosophy, Bryn Mawr College. Co-Director, CIS and Board Member of IDEA (Conference Co-Chair)
  • Cynthia Bisman, Professor of Social Work, Bryn Mawr College. Co-Director, CIS
  • Viviane Boussou, University of Versailles Saint Quentin, France. Representative from Côte d’Ivoire
  • David Crocker, Senior Research Scholar, Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland. Past President and Executive Member of IDEA
  • Daniela Gallegos, Researcher at Fundación de la Ética para las Empresas y las Organizaciones ÉTNOR and Doctoral Student at the University of Valencia. Executive Member of IDEA and representative from Latin America
  • Lori Keleher, Dept. of Philosophy, New Mexico State University. Board Member of IDEA
  • Mary Osirim, Professor of Sociology, Bryn Mawr College, Steering Committee, CIS
  • Sahondra Razakatiana, Etudes économiques, sociales et anthropologiques de la commune rurale d’Ankilivalo (Madagascar) at UVSQ_C3ED.
  • Asunción St. Clair, Dept. of Sociology, University of Bergen, Norway. Vice President of IDEA

For further information, please visit IDEA: