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Portugal: empowering women & girls through the SDGs

[Lisbon, 26 January 2016] The Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights was one of the organizations promoting the seminar “Sustainable Development Goals: Public Consultation with Civil Society and Alliance for the SDG” on 20 January in Lisbon. This seminar aimed at presenting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the public consultation on its implementation in Portugal. The Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights was in charge of presenting SDG 5 – Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, highlighting the need for gender mainstreaming in all other SDGs. The seminar was jointly organised by the Global Compact – Network Portugal, Alliance for Sustainable Development Goals Portugal, Portuguese Platform of NGOs for Development, UNRIC, Portuguese Council for Refugees, FAO, IOM, ILO, UNESCO National Commission, UNICEF, UNICRI , UNU-EGOV, ANIMAR, Camões, IP, National Youth Council, Federation “My land” and the Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights. All info here (in Portuguese)