EWL News

Beijing+20 on health: Discuss surrogacy on 6 May with the screening of ’Breeders’ at 7pm in Brussels

[Brussels, 24 April 2015] In the framework of the European Women’s Lobby Year of Action on Beijing+20, the EWL and MEP Anna Hedh invite you to the screening of ’Breeders’, on the issue of surrogacy. April is our Beijing+20 month dedicated to health, and we propose to have a debate on this new phenomenon, gaining European and international attention.

Join us on Wednesday 6 May in Brussels, at the Swedish Permanent Representation to the EU. Please register by emailing chretiennot@womenlobby.org.

After the screening of ’Breeders’ (50’) at 7pm, we propose a deabte with two EWL members and partners, and with Anna Hedh MEP.

Stephanie Thögersen, Swedish Women’s Lobby, Sweden, and Ana-Luana Stoicea-Deram, Collectif pour le Respect de la Personne (CoRP), France, will present their views on the issue and the initiatives they work on.

A reception, offered by Anna Hedh MEP, will end this event. Looking forward to seeing you there!

EWL Breeders invitation

Photo: The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network


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