Champions for gender equality!
Mikael Gustaffson, MEP, Sweden, GUE/NGL
Britta Thomsen, MEP, Denmark, S&D
Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, MEP, Spain, ALDE
Joanna Senyszyn, MEP, Poland, S&D
Sidonia Jędrzejewska, MEP, Poland, EPP
Mojca Kleva Kekuš, MEP, Slovenia, S&D
Marisa Matias, MEP, Portugal, GUE/NGL
Marian Harkin, MEP, Ireland, ALDE
Iratxe García Pérez, MEP, Spain, S&D
Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, MEP, Poland, S&D
Malin Björk, candidate, Sweden, GUE/NGL
Barbara Lochbihler, MEP, Germany, Greens/European Free Alliance
Nessa Childers, MEP, Ireland, Non-attached Member
Emer Costello, MEP, Ireland, S&D
Jutta Steinruck, MEP, Germany, S&D
Zita Gurmai, MEP, Hungary, S&D
Cornelia Ernst, MEP, Germany, GUE/NGL
Bill Newton Dunn, MEP, UK, ALDE
Gabriele Zimmer, MEP, Germany, GUE/NGL
Maria Karamessini, candidate, Greece, Party of the European Left
Sylvie Guillaume, MEP, France, S&D
Katalin Csiba, candidate, Hungary, Greens/EFA
Eric Andrieu, MEP, France, S&D
Jean Louis Cottigny, MEP, France, S&D
Christine Revault d’Allonnes Bonnefoy, MEP, France, S&D
Corinne Lepage, MEP, France, S&D
Catherine Trautmann, MEP, France, S&D
Marc Tarabella, MEP, Belgium, S&D
Catherine Grèze, MEP, France, S&D
Clarisse Heusquin, Candidate, France, Greens
Florent Marcellesi, Candidate, Spain, Greens
Enrique Guerrero Salom, MEP, Spain, S&D
Malika Abbad, candidate, Belgium, Greens
Petra De Sutter, candidate, Belgium, Greens
Silvana Koch Mehrin, MEP, Germany, ALDE
Nicole Kiil-Nielsen, MEP, France, Greens
Marielle de Sarnez, MEP, France, ALDE
Chantal Jouanno, candidate, France, ALDE
Patricia Lalonde, candidate, France, ALDE
Isabelle Thomas, MEP, France, S&D
Jytte Guteland, candidate, Sweden, S&D
Nicolas Gaborit, candidate, France, S&D
Nasima Razmyar, candidate, Finland, S&D
Nikos Chrysogelos, MEP, Greece, Greens
Saskia Bricmont, candidate, Belgium, Greens
Ozan Yanar, candidate, Finland, Greens
Ines Caloisi, candidate, Italy, ALDE
Niccolò Rinaldi, MEP, Italy, ALDE
Angelika Werthman, MEP, Austria, Non-attached Members
Gilles Pargneaux, MEP, France, S&D
Antigoni Papadopoulou, MEP, Cyprus, S&D
Catherine Stihler, MEP, United Kingdom, S&D
Nathalie Avy-Elimas, candidate, France, ALDE
Marianne Thyssen, MEP, Belgium, EPP
"Agree with almost every point of the Manifesto in terms of equality and empowerment - although we have a few differences such as how best to handle prostitution."
Jean Lambert, MEP, UK, Greens
"I support the EWL Manifesto, but I would like to express my reservation on the fact that prostitution is being defined as violence against women, ignoring the difference between forced prostitution and prostitution resulting from individual choice"
Ulrike Lunacek, MEP, Austria, Greens
Oras Tynkkynen, candidate, Finland, Greens
Martin Häusling, MEP, Germany, Greens
Bart Staes, MEP, Belgium, Greens
Keith Taylor, MEP, UK, Greens
Guliz Tomruk-Kisi, candidate, the Netherlands, Greens