European Centre of the International Council of Women (ECICW)

European Centre Of The International Council Of Women (ECICW)


ECICW is the European Centre of the International Council of Women (ICW), which was founded in 1888 with the themes Equality, Development and Peace. ECICW, a non-governmental organisation, founded in Switzerland in 1961 and registered in Finland, has followed these concepts consistently.

Achieve equal rights and opportunities for women and men in all fields of society; empower women to make their voices heard and promote their participation in decision-making at national and European levels; work for peace and defend human rights; build networks for cooperation between women’s organizations in East and West European countries; study and monitor questions relating to the situation of women in Europe; present motions and statements and respond to initiatives from various European-level authorities.

Principal tasks

  • To make women’s opinions heard and to promote their participation in European decision-making institutions
  • To promote collaboration among ECICW member organisations and co-operation with the International Council of Women as well as with other organisations and networks
  • To collaborate with the Council of Europe, UN Agencies such as UNICEF and UNIFEM, and with the European Women’s Lobby.

Contact details

Email: ncwmalta[at] or Ecicw.cecif[at]
ICW website:



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