Looking to make the case that investing in women’s organisations works? Check out these ground-breaking studies demonstrating the effectiveness of directly funding women’s organisations and movements.
Civic Origins of Progressive Policy Change
About the study “A 2012 study that examined 40 years of data on violence against women in 70 countries found that the mobilisation of strong, autonomous feminist groups was the key factor in driving policy change, eclipsing other considerations such as the number of women in parliament, national economic conditions or the political leanings of the government.” (Liz Ford, the Guardian, 2016)
Pathways of Women’s Empowerment
About the Study “On the basis of its research in multiple sites, the Pathways of Women’s Empowerment Programme found that the relationships fostered in the spaces created by women’s rights organisations and networks often bring about changes associated with empowerment. These include growth in self-confidence, new capabilities and consciousness about gender inequalities, and the capacity to act collectively to demand rights.” (OECD, GenderNet, 2016)