EWL News

Discrimination of pregnant workers and new mothers/fathers: Edith’s story

[Brussels, 22 January 2013] When Edith announced to her new boss that she was pregnant, she faced evident disapproval and negative remarks. When she came back from maternity leave after her second baby, her team was changed and she was put under strong pressure.

Edith*’s boss did not renew her contract after 3 years and invoked the fact that her pregnancy "cost him 13 000 euros". Edith’s case shows the pressure for productivity and profitability put on new mothers when they’re back to work.

Read her story here.

Ahead of its 2 Years Overdue Campaign on Maternity Leave, the EWL is gathering stories of discrimination at workplace suffered by pregnant workers and new mothers/fathers.

Discrimination of pregnant women or new parents is a relatively hidden, though extremely widespread phenomenon. The EWL wants to bring some of the realities of women and men in Europe to light and advocate for binding legislation to be approved at the European level to protect their rights. The new draft Directive on Maternity Leave has been blocked in the Council of the European Union for 2 years now.

Last month, EWL also published Carolina*’s story, who was fired from her job one day before being back from maternity leave.

Follow our 2 Years Overdue campaign for the adoption of the new draft Directive on Maternity Leave !

If you are or have been victim of such discriminations at your workplace (pregnant workers, young mothers and fathers), send your story to machacova@womenlobby.org.

* Names have been changed for privacy reasons.
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