European Women’s Lobby (EWL) Event: “Promote Human Rights, Act against Rape! ” 10 December 2013, 14.30-16.30h, European Parliament, Strasbourg, room: Louis Weiss, S2.1 Address: 1 Avenue du Président Robert Schuman, 67000 Strasbourg, The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is pleased to announce the event: “Promote Human Rights, Act against Rape!” that will take place on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day 10 December. This will be an opportunity to reassert that women’s rights are human rights and bring to the attention of members of the European Parliament that rape is a persistent violation of women’s rights, while demanding justice and support for victims of rape. Co-hosted by MEPs Mikael Gustafsson and Antonyia Parvanova, this event is part of the Joint Action of the Council of Europe and the European Women’s Lobby “Europe mobilises against rape and for the Istanbul Convention as a tool for change”, supporting a series of events in more than 30 countries in Europe during the 16 days of activism against violence against women (see EWL website for more info). A panel of representatives of the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, and experts from civil society and the academia will present Europe-wide challenges in legislation, policies and services in response to sexual violence, share the outcomes and recommendations of the public events, and highlight the positive changes that the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence can bring in this field. Please, download the agenda here.
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poster 10 dec
If you want to register, please send an e-mail to Irene Rosales ( If you need a badge to access to the European Parliament, please provide the following information: full name, date of birth, nationality and ID number. Event in facebook: [Link>]


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