Regarding prostitution, the EWL maintains that strategies and policies to reach a Europe free from prostitution should be multifaceted and address the various actors involved in the system of prostitution.
- Towards persons in prostitution: Put an end to any repressive measures towards persons in prostitution and the taxation of their incomes; Implement credible policies providing concrete alternatives for all persons wishing to quit the system of prostitution; Promote the implementation of policies on the prevention of prostitution and on education to a respectful sexuality; Put an end to conditionality in the deliverance of residence permits to foreign persons in prostitution; Ensure that women in prostitution reporting acts of male violence receive equal treatment in the process of their complaint and access jurisdiction and courts;
- Towards prostitute-users: Make it a crime to buy sexual ‘services’; Implement campaigns on accountability and deterrence towards prostitute-users; Promote the implementation of policies on the prevention of prostitution and on education to a respectful sexuality;
- Towards procurers: Condemn all forms of procuring and pimping and refuse its decriminalisation; Demand the restitution of all procuring benefits and funds;
- Towards society and public authorities: Implement policies on the prevention of prostitution; Promote education to equality between women and men; Raise awareness on the reality of prostitution and break stereotypes.