Position Papers

Elimination of all forms of Discrimination and Violence against the Girl Child (February 2007)

The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) welcomes the fact that the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in its 51st session will review implementation of policies and actions taken to address the elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against the girl child. It also welcomes the revision of the agreed conclusions reached at the 48th session on the “Role of boys and men in achieving gender equality”, as this is very relevant to the issue of achieving equality in the early stages of women’s life cycle, namely in girlhood.

EWL is submitting this contribution to the German Presidency acting on behalf of the European Union in negotiating the outcome document/agreed conclusions of the 51st session. This contribution has been drafted in consultation with member organisations and reflects the expectations of European women’s NGOs in relation to the EU in order to address issues relating to the girl child. Therefore, the purpose of this document is to provide recommendations on issues relating to the girl child that have been identified by EWL as priorities both in terms of the CSW outcome document and within the context of the EU itself. The EWL delegation attending the CSW is also prepared to work with the EU Presidency on the text of the outcome document during the 51st session in New York.


Final EWL position paper girl child CSW 2007 EN


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