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European Citizens Summit speakers confirmed! Join us 23-24 September 2014 in Brussels

[Brussels, 5 September 2014] Do you want to join other citizens and civil society organisations to exchange about a renewed Europe? to challenge Europe’s growth obsession and propose a more accountable, citizen-oriented, human rights and value based Europe? Then the Citizens Summit is the place for your voice to be heard. Join us on 23-24 September in Brussels !

The European Citizens Summit is an annual conference organised by the EU Civil Society Contact Group, aiming to envision a Europe for and from citizens. In 2014, the second edition of the Citizens Summit is entitled "Beyond the growth obsession - rights, justice and democracy for a renewed Europe" and will gather citizens, activists, NGOs from all over Europe and beyond.

We will have inspirational speakers joining us!

  • Susan George, social justice activist, speaking on European Citizens Initiative against TTIP
  • Vincent Liegey, speaking on the Degrowth researcher and activist
  • Rahila Gupta, free-lace journalist and writer, speaking during the workshop "Values and ideologies"
  • Jean Rossiaud, sociologist, political specialist and lawyer, speaking during the workshop on "Power and democracy"

If you believe another vision for Europe is needed: inclusive, fair and transparent. If you want to move from Europe’s growth obsession to a model based on rights, justice and democracy. The Citizens Summit will be the place to discuss these issues and address them directly to MEPs.

Register and spread the word!

Here is the flyer of the Summit.

flyer ecs


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