European Commission Advisory Committee adopts Opinion on the gender dimension of active ageing and solidarity between generations
[Brussels, 01 December 2011] In January 2011, the European Commission Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men decided to set up a working group to prepare an Opinion on the gender dimension of active ageing in preparation for the European year of Active Ageing and Solidarity of Generations.
Considering the political context and ongoing initiatives in the field of healthy, dignified and active ageing, the Advisory Committee was mandated to consider the following points:
- How could synergies between national and EU policies in the area of gender equality and ageing be maximised to address the specific challenges women and men face arising from an increasingly ageing population?
- How could the Commission better cooperate with the Member State authorities, other European institutions, relevant international bodies and civil society organisations to ensure that gender equality considerations form an integral part of new developments on this issue?
- Make specific suggestions on how to take the gender dimension into account in a variety of themes falling under ageing policies.
- Make specific suggestions on how the Commission, Member States and civil society can tackle discrimination against older women in the employment and social spheres.
- Make specific suggestions for activities and objectives in the area of gender equality and active ageing to be implemented at EU or national level during the European Year for Active Ageing.
These points are all discussed, with relevant recommendations made, within the Opinion. The EWL welcomes the Committee’s focus on the gender dimension of active ageing, and as a key member of the NGO AGE Coalition looks forward to working further with the Commission throughout the European Year 2012.
Download the text of the Opinion here: