European & International News

European Parliament: FEMM committee: Women with disabilities

(Brussels 03 October) The Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee of the European Parliament have released a call for member states to do more for women with disabilities.

Women with disabilities suffering from multiple discriminations

Member States need to do more to help women with disabilities, who face difficulties in their daily life such as access to the labour market, to quality healthcare services and to public services and transport infrastructure. MEPs call for better inclusion of women with disabilities and an adaptation of society to their specific needs in the report passed on Thursday.

Members of the Women’s Rights Committee call for an environment for women with disabilities without barriers, obstacles and stereotypes, so they can fully enjoy their rights and responsibilities.

Empower women with disabilities

Women with disabilities need to have access to education, lifelong learning programmes, to be familiar with the use of new information and communication technologies and blind people should have adapted internet content.

To diminish their higher risk of slipping into poverty and social exclusion, MEPs call for higher employment rate for women with disabilities,. Further, they stress the importance to fight stereotypes through awareness raising campaigns and media to make women with disabilities more visible.

In the sphere of housing and architecture they are asking for the adoption of a positive shift from ‘design for special needs’ to ‘integral and inclusive design for all citizens’

Gender - Disability Mainstreaming

Members of the Committee insist that disability policies should be mainstreamed in gender policies.

The Committee urges the Member States to provide training and information to teachers, trainers, senior civil servants, and employers to implement social integration processes aimed at using the talents, potential and added value of women with disabilities.

In the chair: Angelika Werthmann
Vote in plenary: November

Profile of Angelika Werthmann:
Draft report:
Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee:


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