EWL press coverage

European Women’s Lobby issues a paper to end domestic violence

Posted by Imran Ali

The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), the largest alliance of women’s non-governmental associations in the European Union (EU), has published a paper setting out the position and recommendations of its membership on domestic abuse.

Entitled ’Towards a Europe free from all forms of male violence against women’, the position paper gives a strong analysis of male violence against women as the main structural expression of gender inequality.

It denounces its persistence in the 21st century as an ‘archaic tolerance’ for the violation of women’s human rights.

The EWL, which represents more than 2,500 organisations, delivers several policy recommendations towards the eradication of all forms of male violence against women, an essential step towards the realisation of a modern EU.

According to Women’s Aid, a key national charity working to end abuse against women and children in the UK, one in four women will be a victim of domestic violence in their lifetime. On average, two women are killed every week by a current or former male partner.

You can read the full story and download the position paper at EWL.


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