2010 Building a Europe for All!

European Year 2010 for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion

2010 has been declared European Year for combating poverty and social exclusion.

In March 2000 the Heads of State and Government pledged themselves to "making a decisive impact on the eradication of poverty" by the year 2010. Despite the efforts deployed, a significant proportion of the European population still lives in destitution and has no access to basic services such as health care. 2010 represents an opportunity to make policy changes that will have a real impact on combating inequalities and create a Europe free of poverty and social exclusion. NGOs therefore call for mobilisation at local, national, and European level.

at European level

The European Commission is responsible for the overall organisation of the European Year. Link to the European Commission website for the Year.

European social NGOs have also come together in a coalition to coordinate their activities related to the year. Link to the 2010 Buiding a Europe for All website.

…at national level

National Implementing Bodies have been appointed to coordinate the Year at national level.

Find here the National websites for the Year in your country!


During 2010 a whole range of events will take place across Europe, organised by NGOs and the Member States. See what is happening in your country!

Read the EWL messages on women and poverty and social exclusion here.

Read the shared NGO coalition messages on ending poverty and social exclusion here.


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