Gender Equality Road Map for the European Community 2006-2010 (May 2005)
The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) presents a Gender Equality Road Map for the European Community 2006-2010 as a model for the official Communication on gender equality to be put forward by the European Commission at the end of 2005.
Despite existing European and national legislation, numerous political commitments at all levels, and the existence of equality before the law in most EU Member States, equality between women and men is not a reality in Europe in 2005. In every country in the European Union, access to resources, rights and power are unequally distributed between women and men and gender inequality is pervasive at every level and across all groups within society. Supporting this structured inequality are still widespread and related prejudices, stereotypes and cultural patriarchal attitudes that undermine women as independent autonomous actors in all spheres of life.