
#GirlsVoices: Meeting Needs of Migrant Girls On the Move

[Brussels, 28 November 2018] Girls face some of the strongest challenges when making the journey for asylum and a new life, yet as a group, girls’ needs often remains a significant gap in law, policy, funding and service provision. Subsumed under the terms ‘children’ and ‘women and girls’, data specific to the experiences of girls through migration and resettlement is often lacking, which leads to challenges in securing specialised resources.

Too often victims to a combination of sexism, racism and xenophobia, vulnerable to trafficking, exploitation and abuse, girls’ rights under the UNCRC, ECHR and CEDAW are often neglected. Whether on the move, in untenable tented communities, short-term asylum centres or at the point of settlement and integration, there is much more that can be done to ensure all girls can heal from their experiences and meet their potential.

Today we launch our infosheet on current gaps and key recommendations from civil society actors directly supporting migrant girls, and to explore the role that politics can play. The infosheet is meant to be a useful tool in driving change and shifting the narrative within Europe to a more humanitarian focus through the 2019 elections, driving support for girls who are too often left in extremely precarious situations due to gaps in policy and practice. This infosheet was co-created with our members from the European Network of Migrant Women.

Find the infosheet in PDF in here:

GirlsVoicesInfosheet for web


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