European & International News

Ireland: New law to target demand for prostitution

[Brussels, 04 January 2011] The EWL is delighted to learn that the Irish government is considering introducing legislation protecting women victims of the prostitutional system and targeting pimps and those who buy sex. Based on the highly successful Swedish model, such legislation works towards a society where equality between women and men is upheld as a fundamental right and value.

Under current Irish law, prostitutes can face criminal charges for soliciting sex, as can pimps, but a man who frequents a prostitute does not face charges.

The new legislation would be based on the Swedish precedent, where targeting pimps and those who buy sexual services has served to half prostitution over the last 10 years.

The Swedish law bans purchasing sex but not the sale of sex which means that for the first time in Ireland mainly men would be prosecuted.

Iceland and Norway have also now introduced legislation based on the Swedish model in their own countries.

More information on the Swedish law is available here.


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